Modernize your infrastructure, software and methodologies

Deliver cloud-native applications with modern microservices architecture and operate it on a robust infrastructure.

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collaborative cloud

Our culture & expertise

We specialize in cloud-native technologies. Agile, automation, scalability and much more

Culture, then tools.

Asses, Build, Operate, Transfer

  • Microservices with Go.
  • Kubernetes on public, private and edge cloud.
  • Knowledge transfer.
creometry academy

Technical Training

Empower your Teams

team training

Cloud and DevOps

Modernize and migrate

Modernize and migrate


Build or refactor

Legacy to microservice

Join your spare compute hardware or dedicated servers, from anywhere, to Creometry's clusters, choose which apps you are interested in hosting, and earn in-kind redeeamble value incentives.

Call To Action

Talk to us to get a free assessment of your current systems and infrastructure readiness.